9 Best Accounts to Follow on Twitter in 2021

June 25th, 2021

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Twitter is only as good as the people you follow–that’s why it’s important to keep yourself updated by following accounts that produce quality, too-good-to-be-true content.

I mean, you should also follow any accounts that make you giggle, but it never hurts to have some industry tips, tricks, and advice in your feed, too.

Our list of Twitter accounts has been broken down into categories because there are endless unique accounts in thousands of niches–literally everything you can imagine.

Don’t worry though, we are OBVIOUSLY going to recommend some just-for-fun accounts. This is not a definitive list of all the best Twitter accounts in the world. If it was, our Twitter would be on this list. But it isn’t because we feel like that may come off as pretentious and biased. 

(But definitely check it out)

For staying up to date and participating in water cooler chatter 

#FreeBrittney am I right?? That story is crazy. The whole concept of a conservatorship is almost impossible to understand. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re probably no fun around the water cooler. Luckily, Twitter accounts like the below are perfect for keeping yourself up to date on the world’s cultural news. (So get on it!)


They’ve got everything: the latest news, “What Kind of Potato Are You?” quizzes, listicles with 17 Weird Side Effects of Pregnancy — and yes, everything pop culture. Think of Buzzfeed like a little brother: you know him, you love him, sometimes you hate him, but he’s always good to have around. 

While Buzzfeed tends to be known for its puff pieces and oddly specific quizzes, they also have an incredible investigative reporting team. If you didn’t know, they were nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 2018.

Keep up with celebs, social movements, and, of course, combinations of the two. Yes, I’m talking about #FreeBritney. 


TV writer and New York Times Bestselling Author, Bess Kalb, is always good for a laugh on Twitter — whether she weighs in on the latest film and TV, keeping up with celebrity news, catching a politician in a lie, or sharing heartfelt holiday greetings. Like this one: “Happy and healthy Father’s Day to all the dads hunched over their phones at the playground!” You’ll stay up to date with the latest in pop culture, and you’ll have fun doing it. And trust me, I never say that about most anything that has to do with politics. Ugh.

But Bess is that bitch, and we can’t stop reading her tweets.

For Raising Capital: Investors, VCs, and more 

It is always a good idea to listen to the people who hold the $$$. Seriously though, all the below investors have awesome insight into building and growing a business.


Naval Ravikanth is an angel investor and the founder of AngelList. He is known for sharing contrarian viewpoints and insights on business while giving actionable opinions. He has invested in Uber, Wish, Twitter, Opendoor, and over 100 other successful companies.


Guy Kawasaki should honestly consider changing his middle name to “Accomplished.” He is a keynote speaker of Nike, Apple, Audi, and Microsoft, and that is just the beginning. He is also a New York Times bestselling author and a brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz (Ummm, free product?? Yes please!)

His Twitter profile is chock full of inspiring and super valuable podcasts, professional marketing tips, and business tweets. His personality is powerful, and he carries it across by maintaining an excellent Twitter feed. 


Christine Herron is an early-stage investor and also a passionate diversity advocate. Her Twitter is an excellent read if you want to stay ahead on political news and tech startups. She has a witty tone that makes her tweets fun to read while still addressing problems, advocacy, and product insights.

For Digital Marketing: SEO, Social Media trends, and more 


Ok, no offense, if you are in marketing and are not at least partially familiar with Neil Patel… it’s time to upgrade who you are following on Twitter. On Forbes’ list of top ten marketers, he shares insights about the overall aspects of digital marketing, often with a focus on SEO. He is a leading digital marketing influencer of Twitter and has kept that title for a long time.


It is imperative for digital marketers, specifically those who work in the social media space, to keep up with trends. How many times have we talked about trends?? A LOT. That’s because space is ever-evolving and changing, it can be challenging to keep up.

@ThinkwithGoogle is run by Google and gives up-to-date news about Google Analytics and YouTube trends. Their tweets also offer analysis of the trends of the industry. In addition, their experts discuss the marketing industry and where they think it is headed. It is vital information for marketers from the same company that provides the most prevalent marketing analytics software. 

Definitely need to follow this one!


Ann Handley runs the MarketingProfs account on Twitter. The company specializes in practical marketing education and training. Ann is also the Head of Content at MarketingProfs and a Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Such a queen.

She posts her own podcasts and articles (cause she creates amazing content) and sharing great content that other marketers post. She focuses on featuring a lot of different perspectives from other experts in the industry. Undeniably worth your time to follow this account.

We stan Ann!! 

Shits and Giggles 

Now for the account we have all been waiting for.


Ok, this Twitter account saved me. It is everything I could ever ask for. When I see their tweets in my feed, I know the world is going to be ok.

Jurassic Park Updates is an incredible parody Twitter account. The content of their tweets seems to come from the “operations team” at the fictional Jurassic Park. They offer updates for when the park is open, summer internship programs, and warnings when the dinosaurs have escaped their cages. 

One of my favorite tweets reads simply, “we used the dinosaur machine to make Elon musk’s toupee.” Another one is, “We are now opening applications for summer interns. Please include your height and weight so we can adjust how much we feed the dinosaurs.”

I mean…do I really need to say anything else??

Twitter is lit 

There are 340 million people on Twitter, with 500 million Tweets sent per day. That is a lot of content getting produced. You can craft your Twitter feed to serve your interests, no matter what you are looking for. 

We can’t recommend it enough. Use Twitter! For brands, it is vital to have access to the social conversation that swirls around us every day. So if you are looking for a boost, and you want to grab the attention of people online, Nowadays has the secret sauce you are looking for.

We specialize in getting people to feel the FOMO when it comes to your brand. We take your message, modernize it and inject it directly into social media. Our campaigns are bold and impossible to ignore. Let’s get your brand’s message in front of potential customers at the right time, on the right page, with the right content.

Am I right? Hell yeah! Let’s chat soon.  



Finalist: Staff of BuzzFeed News | Pulitzer

Bess Kalb | Twitter

’10 Top-Notch Personal Brands Leaders Should Emulate | Forbes

Twitter by the Numbers (2021): Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts | Omnicore Agency